Monday 14 October 2013

d1 Jonah and Joel

Read Jonah in the bible
Imagine Jonah is part of your Christian Fellowship. He would be known far and wide at TSCF conferences, through Canvas and The Loop. He experienced first hand a miraculous "rescue" at sea by God and hears from God directly. Amongst students, he would be praised for being the most successful student evangelist today. Through Jonah, God changed the hearts of a whole city of people who had a reputation for being cruel (Nineveh, Capital of Assyria). All of them, from the King to the animals, repented and God saved them. Jonah didn't even seem to try very hard at being responsible at all. Deep inside, only Jonah (and God) knew all was not well inside him. What can you learn from his amusing story? What is God like?
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Read Joel in the bible
In contrast, to Jonah, we know little about Joel. He brings a warning and promise from God. A terrible locust plague is a sign from God that people should return to him. From 2:18 to 2:29, a transition occurs in Joel's message as he describes a futuristic "the Day of the Lord". In the New Testament, Peter during Pentecost quotes the prophet Joel (2:28-32) in Acts 2:16-21. What can you learn from the prophetic message of Joel? What is God like?

To hear other views: or or do a study

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