Tuesday, 15 October 2013

d3 Amos 5-9

Read Amos 5-9 in the bible http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Amos%205&version=NRSV
Gordon Fee challenges us to read Amos 5 without any headings. Ask yourself is this one oracle or many? If there is one oracle, why are there so many topics in the oracle? Think about the types of oracles and you may spot 3 oracles in Amos 5:
(1) lament (5:1-4)
(2) invitation to blessing and warning (5:4-17)
(3) warning of punishment (5:18-27)
Being able to recognise oracles, helps us understand the role of prophets and their message.
The book of Amos is quoted by Stephen (Acts 7: 42) and by James (Acts 15: 16–18), and in modern times has been much valued for its forthright appeal for social justice, and the famous 5: 24 hints at a universally understood moral code. (Taken from http://www.oxfordbiblicalstudies.com/article/opr/t94/e91)
What does Amos mean by justice? How would justice look like today?

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